Residential Treatment & Respite
Care Services
Gateway Longview's Residential Treatment & Respite Care Services supports youth age 11-21. We offer care appropriately addressing needs of youth with specialized treatment plans that excel within structured environments or those who can benefit from immediate stability via individualized structure. Our residential facilities are comprised of seven care units, located on our Main Street Campus in Williamsville, 12 miles northeast of Buffalo, NY.
Click here to view our Residential Brochure.
Click Here to view our Respite Brochure
Our dedicated treatment team of clinical social workers, mental health counselors, residential counselors, and direct care staff focus on the overall well-being and advancement of all youth in care. Using evidence-based treatment methods, our programs address the needs of youth who struggle with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges which have lead to their removal from their home or other direct care facilities.

Our more intensive critical care program for those who excel with increased individualized structure, known as Changing Attitudes and Behaviors, offers additional supports focused on appropriate expression of emotion. This highly-structured environment also aims to help youth understand the effect of their actions toward others. Currently, we offer six units for males, and two units for females needing this level of care and support.
Youth enter the Residential Treatment program through the juvenile justice system, through a neglect or abuse petition against a child’s caregivers, or through a referral by the child’s local school district’s Committee on Special Education.
At critical times, we provide immediate access to safety, stability and support - 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Residential Treatment Services Offerings
Individual counseling
Regular group sessions addressing focus topics such as loss of family members, history of sexual abuse, exposure to violent crime, etc.
Comprehensive medical coverage with regular physicals, dental visits, vision screening, and gynecological appointments as necessary
Substance abuse support provided in partnership with Endeavor Health Services
Educational instruction in 6:1:1 classroom settings for 6th-12th grades at the on-campus Lynde School
Independent living skills coaching, including job readiness training, supported by the Casey Life Skills curriculum
Therapeutic recreation via two onsite gyms, outdoor basketball courts, soccer fields, outdoor pool and coordinated community activities
A community-based approach to spiritual life development and mentor engagement programs
Gateway Longview's Buffalo Bills Courage House is proud to be one of twenty-seven Ed Block facilities across the country. A Courage House is a facility that provides support and quality care for abused children and their families in that community. Since it is traditionally an existing facility, the Courage House’s prevailing identity and standing are augmented, not eliminated, by forming this partnership with its respective NFL franchise and the Ed Block Courage Award Foundation.

Enhanced Respite Program
The Enhanced Respite Program is a short-term voluntary out-of-home care program for youth between the ages of 12 and 17 years to provide respite for families at critical times to ultimately prevent longer-term placements. Such circumstances may include parent hospitalizations, acute health issues, or intense parent-youth conflict. Referrals are made through ECDSS workers, families must have an open case with Erie County. Youth can stay in the program for a maximum of 21 consecutive days or 30 days if their parent/guardian is in a substance use/detox program. Trained staff provides appropriate activities, supervision, and intervention through the duration of a youths stay. Youth will maintain their normal schedule of school and other appointments.
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Lynde School
Gateway Longview’s Lynde School offers specialized educational services for youth residing on our campus and for up to 105 students ages 5 to 21 who come to us for school during the day. Students enrolled thrive best within a high degree of structure, with individualized attention, and with supportive services.

Approach To Care
At Gateway Longview, we believe that a solution-focused, trauma-informed care approach has the ability to strengthen the knowledge, competencies, skill sets, and engagement as we work with individuals impacted by trauma. We ensure that all services are client driven with access to early screening and comprehensive assessments.